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Reach for the Best: A Farewell and Thank You to Jerry Gomez

 alt= A man kneels on a red carpet while holding a bulldog wearing a "V" collar, with a balloon arch in the background.
Attributed to Jerry Gomez

Jerry Gomez carries his contagious energy and enthusiasm with him everywhere. As the former Program Coordinator for Off-Campus Student Life (OCSL), Innovation, and Fresno State Esports, Jerry has devoted his time on campus to creating a home for all students.

Whether hosting an event on campus, working behind the scenes, or getting his weekly Friday night Domino’s, Jerry’s success lies in his mindset: consistency, community, and connection.

“Consistency is freedom,” he says. “I learned that when you do things 21 times in a row you can either break a habit or make a new one,” he explains. To him, motivation is fleeting, relating it to a temporary boost, whereas consistency builds the strong foundation needed to thrive.

Jerry truly embodies this lifestyle as he always puts his best forward in his work. His passion towards creating a community for all students reflects in everything he does.

When asked about his commitment to the community, he eagerly opened up about his “origin story.”

It’s fall of 2013, and Gerardo ‘Jerry’ Gomez is a new student at Fresno State. The combined feelings of missing home, being doubted by a professor, and feeling lonely created a detrimental sense of isolation.

To combat this, Jerry sought support from campus services, including the Student Health Center and his mentors in the CAMP program. In doing so, he made Fresno State his home.

When thinking back to the struggles he faced, Jerry explained his journey, saying, “I did everything that I needed to to stop feeling homesick– to stop feeling isolated. Because that’s just a feeling. It wasn’t a fact, ya know?”

In becoming acquainted with Fresno State, Gomez found his new passion. Rather than continuing to pursue sportscasting, he turned his attention toward helping students like him find their communities, similar to how he had.

This opportunity came to him in the form of the Program Coordinator for Off-Campus Student Life and Innovation opening up, “I was excited for it because the position entailed building a sense of belonging for students. I was doing exactly what I always wanted to do.”

Since becoming Program Coordinator, Jerry Gomez has accomplished much. From organizing events for commuter students to creating a collegiate esports program from the ground up, his tenacity and creativity have led to many wonderful things.

Jerry acknowledges that he cannot take all the credit for his accomplishments, always expressing gratitude for the connections and relationships he has built along the way.

One such accomplishment that he consistently accredits to his connections was the creation of the esports program back in 2020. He described being terrified about creating the program but also excited, “ sort of fit in with my innovation role."

“I love to develop new things. I like to be creative. I like to connect people.”

By creating these connections, Jerry strengthened his ability to support Fresno State Esports. His supportive nature is extremely evident when talking to the students who have worked alongside him on the program.

“Jerry was a hard worker. Whenever we talked, he was always working on something for OCSL or getting prepared for an event,” said Ricky Oaks, the former Broadcast and Media Director of Fresno State Esports, “But when he was able to talk, he was excited to. He showed interest in what we were doing and always offered his assistance if we ever needed it.”

Oaks’ comments highlight Gomez’s dedication and enthusiasm to helping people, even if he may not know a lot about a specific industry. His commitment to learn not only boosted the esports program, but also created a supportive environment for everyone involved.

From the start, Jerry was dedicated to the program’s growth, and Gomez’s support of Fresno State programs significantly guided and achieved success for many students.

Jacob J. Gutierrez, Jerry’s right-hand for the esports program, said, “From the start, he was kind, motivating, and a major influence during a tough time in my life. Thanks to him, we were the first to host watch parties in the RSU, create video ads on the digital screen in the RSU, and establish a streaming room—one of the few in California.”

Fresno State Esports now looks to a future without Jerry Gomez in our corner, although it is a bittersweet goodbye as he moves to an exciting new position in Reedley.

“I think we'll always be grateful for him giving us the administrative backing from faculty on campus, because without it, I really don't think the program would be where it is today,” said Ashley Cortez, the Director of Diversity and Inclusion at Fresno State Esports.

alt= A man with short hair, wearing a red, white, and blue Fresno State Esports jersey, holds a microphone and speaks while standing next to a red wall.
Attributed to Cary Edmondson/Fresno State

On leaving Fresno State, Gomez said, “[It’s] probably one of the hardest decisions that I had to make. Because I love this campus. I don’t leave with any bad memories or anything. I leave with that Bulldog pride.”

As a final note, he asks the students of Fresno State to consider the impact they want to leave on campus, instead of focusing on how the campus will change them.

And, to Jerry, we say thank you. Thank you for everything: your support, your contagious enthusiasm, the communities you’ve built and so much more. From all of those in Fresno State Esports to the students who have been welcomed at your events, we wish you the best in your new position in Reedley.

To direct your own words of wisdom back at you, “Reach for the best. Sky’s the limit.”



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