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The Most Frequently Asked Questions About Fresno State Esports

Welcome to our Frequently Asked Questions post! Here, we'll answer the questions we get a majority of the time that way it's all kept in one easy to find spot.

Text on a black background that reads "Fresno State Esports Bulldogs: Frequently Asked Questions"
Photo courtesy of Fresno State Esports/Jacob Gutierrez

Job Opportunities

  • Are positions on the media team paid? How can I apply?

Currently, positions on the media team are offered for class credit through an internship course or for volunteer hours. For more info, please check our jobs page for open positions or click here to apply.

  • How do I become a coach? Are they paid positions?

Right now, our coaching positions are unpaid and count under volunteer hours.

If you are still interested, hit us up on Instagram for more info on applying for a coaching position.

Student-Athletes and General Public

  • How do I gain access to the esports arena? Is it open to the public?

Access to the esports arena is limited to student-athletes, coaches, or members of the media team. It is not open to the public.

Occasionally, we welcome interested parties to check out the arena. Shoot us a DM on Instagram for more info.

  • Do you offer scholarships? Can you recruit me?

No, we do not offer scholarships and we do not recruit from other universities or high schools at this time.

General Info

  • What leagues do you compete in?

Currently, teams at Fresno State Esports primarily compete in the National Esports Collegiate Conference (NECC).

At our coaches discretion, we may also compete in Mountain West, GGBeach, the Cal State Cup and other leagues. Any changes or new appearances will be announced on our social media.

  • Do you have a [specific game] team?

Currently, our only teams are VALORANT, League of Legends, Overwatch, and Rocket League. 

We encourage students interested in other collegiate esports to participate in tournaments independently of Fresno State Esports branding to gain experience before proposing a new team.

Fresno State also offers Intramural Esports for those interested in more casual competition. Participation in IM is open to all fee-paying Fresno State students and faculty/staff who purchase an SRC membership.

  • When are games?

Our regular season games take place on the following days:


Wednesday - League of Legends

Thursday - Overwatch

Friday - Rocket League

We announce times that games take place on our social media. Specific schedules can be found on our teams page.

  • How can I show support for Fresno State Esports?

Those eager to show their support can best do so by following us on Twitch and our other social media. We have plans to introduce new ways for the community to support us in the future—keep an eye out!

If we missed your question, please don't hesitate to reach out on Instagram!

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